
RuntimeNews Bug Fix

Hello, All you News fanatics out there I want to make a quick announcement to a change and rebalancing of the news system. The amendment deals with articles and their content the system now gives you chart breakdown of the class ranking fo the article content. This will allow you o understand what portion of the article are Bias, Political, Negative, Positive and unbiased.

Runtimenews Author Breakdown

Here is a quick breakdown of how runtime news works Part II As You know to get to the bottom of why some news is written the way it is it sometimes takes a few analysis to look at the individual author and the type of articles he or she portrays to publish. Th reason I say characterizes is is that sometimes authors positively word their articles but an end of negatively discussing the story. Below is a quick breakdown of how runtime news is cracking the code. Author Info Part 1 As you can see at the top of the page under the banner, there is potential author information with the picture to give you a sense of who is writing the article and match a face with style. You can also see a pie chart of a lifetime tally of the author and percentage of his or her coverage style. NOte that this is based on the author's petrol and not the deep dive of the article as of now. Author Info Part 2 As shown above, the line graph is a year run of how the author is pre

Runtimenews News Breakdown

Here is a quick breakdown of how runtime news works As you can see above, there is an example of an article you have the option to click on the bolded title to get more article information or you have the opportunity on clicking on the author to get more information. Article Info Part 1 The above image gives you an article Glance this looks at how the title;e of the section is presented and using AI determines how the article was intended to be displayed. Article Info Part 2 This section allows you the user to go directly to the article and read more information straight from the source. But don't click to fast there is more below allowing you to bypass all of the potential subliminal ads. Article Info Part 3 As you can see there is a section that gives another article rating this section using the neural network to determine the actual meat /substance of the material to decide was it a trick to get, you to read the article then change your mind

How Machine Learning Works: An Overview

Suppose we want to buy the best web camera available in the market. In real life, the process we’d follow would be to look at several product reviews describing qualities about the model we are considering purchasing. For example, if we see that the reviews mostly consists of words like “good,” “great,” “excellent” etc. then we’d conclude that the webcam is a good product and we can proceed to purchase it. Whereas if the words like “bad,” “not good quality,” “poor resolution,” then we conclude that it is probably better to look for another webcam. So you see, the reviews help us perform a “decisive action” based on the “pattern” of words that exist in the product reviews. Hence, the relationship among the buyers who purchased the webcam and wrote product reviews will influence other buyers, and  their  product reviews, in turn, will influence future purchases. Thus, a pattern exists across the people who already purchased the product and the future buyers of the product. Mac